Brooke Ledbetter Photography Blog | Memphis and North MS photographer bio picture
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    Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where you'll find my most recent work, where I'll share ideas, tips, links of interest and maybe even a recipe or two! I am an on location custom art photographer serving the Memphis, TN and North Mississippi areas. Please visit my website to view my current portfolio and detailed information about my services.
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Baby Emerson

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Contest / 5 days left

There are only 5 days left in the contest on my Facebook business page!  Anyone who is a FAN can play and the winner gets a free session and print package PLUS the winner gets to give a session and print package to anyone they want!  Click on the Contest tab to the right here on my blog for details or go here to become a FAN and play.  Click on the Contest!!! under the Events tab for complete rules.
It has been a blessing hearing about everyone’s blessings!!  Keep the posts and votes coming! 

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The Thompson Family- the grandkids


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The Thompson Family- the family portraits

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Brad and Molly

Brad and Molly are part of the Herren Family shoot from the last post.  I wanted to post a few of their images by themselves because they had such a different feel to them.  Brad is a musician and he and his wife had such an artsy and vintage look to them, I had a challenge of interpreting their personality into images that would clearly be ‘Brad and Molly’.  Everyone is so different in personality, dress, family dynamics and even location and I love these challenges set before me on each shoot.  Brad and Molly, it was a pleasure to meet you!

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