Brooke Ledbetter Photography Blog | Memphis and North MS photographer bio picture
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    Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where you'll find my most recent work, where I'll share ideas, tips, links of interest and maybe even a recipe or two! I am an on location custom art photographer serving the Memphis, TN and North Mississippi areas. Please visit my website to view my current portfolio and detailed information about my services.
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Desoto County Custom Senior Photograher | Will

I had such a great time photographing Will.  He is a 2011 senior and we spent a hot July afternoon getting  a compilation of images that would represent who he is.  Will is interested in such a wide range of activities, and he is talented in many areas!  I wish Will the best as he goes into his last year of high school.  Watch out world, here comes Will.

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Memphis, TN Family Photographer

Here is my friend Amber (in the blue dress).  We met back in college at the University of Memphis while attaining our undergrad fine arts degree in photography.  She also photographs families now…. so, we came up with the brilliant idea of swapping sessions!  She photographed my family (with me IN the pictures, finally!) and I photographed her immediate family when they were all in town.  These images were taken in Amber’s backyard- I love all the shades of green!

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North MS Newborn Photographer | Baby Braden

I think newborn sessions are my absolute favorite to photograph.  I love the miracle and awe and wonder that babies are.  And Braden is just so stinkin cute!

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Memphis, TN Family Photographer | Shafer Family

Here is the Shafer family.  It was a hot, humid southern morning but their kiddos were troopers and we got some really great images.  Scroll all the way down and take a peek at the very last image… can you guess what their awesome news is?  This was how Heidi wanted to announce the news to their family.  Congratulations Shafer family!!  I’m excited to watch your family grow!

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Olive Branch, MS Portrait Photographer | Sisters

I’m very behind on blogging… and all for a few good reasons.  One reason is that I have been working steadfastly on this NEW blog!!  I am so excited about the new format, features and colors!  My new and improved website is soon to follow too, so stayed tuned and I’ll definitely make an announcement when it is complete!
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