Category Archives: personal

Just for fun

Luken loves to get into Nana’s cabinets!  There are always new treasures for him to find! Hair transplantation – levitra soft tabs This involves taking hair from one part of your head and transplanting it to another part. 20mg tadalafil prices For best results, users should take it empty stomach as advised because the...

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Desoto County Children’s Photographer | Luken is ONE!

My baby isn’t such a baby anymore.  He just turned one year old.  It is truly amazing at how fast time flies!  Here’s my sweet Luken… I’ll post a few more later. Although Schreyer wishes to increase the use of geothermal energy order viagra online in Canada. Minoxidil like “Rogaine” purchase viagra no...

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A few more from the ice storm…

I love the colors of this first one and the way the light made the ice shimmer and sparkle. This is actually used and very order viagra from india common in Germany as an over-the-counter medication. In the leisure and entertainment segment, companies such as Kamagranow that get cialis overnight offer the best quality Kamagra...

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Icy landscapes

Here are some images from our recent ice storm.  I was sure hoping for the 3-6 inches of snow- I am truly a kid a heart when it comes to playing in the snow, but the ice at least made a nice subject to photograph.  Brrr….. Frequent excessive use of alcohol cialis prescription canada can...

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Shapes, Lines, Form

I enjoy photographing just about everything.  I do believe that beauty can be found in just about anything; it’s all in how you frame it.  Here are a few from my backyard.  So go get your camera and start framing what YOU see! We know very well that every market follows its own rules so...

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