Category Archives: children

The Thompson Family- the grandkids

I was so excited when Mrs. Ann asked me to take some portraits of her family while they were all in town for the Christmas holidays.  They decided to all wear red, which turned out lovely… very festive and merry and bright.  Ann and Arne have such a sweet family, including three adorable grandchildren.  I...

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The Thompson Family- the family portraits

And here are the family portraits… In a small percentage of men, cheap cialis that means enlarged breasts (gynecomastia). Apart from curing the trouble, this herbal cure comes with multiple health benefits like stimulating energy production cells, curing cialis online overnight spermatorrhea and improving libido. Find the best vodafone offers with Top seller smartphone –...

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The Herren Family, Extended

It was very, very cold when we shot this extended family session, which consisted of 4 families, and I appreciate everyone for putting up with me and the elements that morning.  The kids especially were troopers!  Thank you so much for allowing me to come out and spend the morning with you all!  The first...

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From our Family to yours/ Merry Christmas!

Our family wishes you bountiful blessings during this holiday season and into the new year! Merry Christmas!!  Joy to the World, the Lord has Come! The next one below is a request from my 2nd Mom… she wanted an image of the kids in their Christmas outfits…  If a man is going through some severe...

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Good Morning Sunshine

I admit it… I am lazy in the morning.  It takes me a while to fully wake up from a good nights slumber.  And I love to lay around cozy in bed while I do slowly wake up.  But, my kids rarely let me do that.  They are up and at ‘em at the crack...

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