I will be offering mini sessions during the month of December! I have three locations and several packages to choose from!
The locations:
1. Natural: Memphis area
Friday, December 9th

2. Urban: Hernando, MS
Saturday, December 10th

3. Levitt Shell / Overton Park: Midtown Memphis
Sunday afternoon, December 11th
I think this location will be fun! No examples yet, though!
The Goods:
$50 session fee plus $100 minimum order a la carte OR you can choose from a package
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Session plus one set of Christmas cards, 2-5x7s and 1-11×14- 200
Session plus two sets of Christmas cards, 2-5x7s, 1-11×14- 265
One digital file, 2-8x10s – 160
Five digital files -295
Ten digital files- 450
•email me for access to my Christmas card gallery
•Christmas cards are front and back, with images and personalized text
• your personal gallery will have 10 edited proofs for you to view
•digital files will be sized to print up to 8×10
•sessions are in 20 minute increments
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